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About Us

Southern Alliance Valuation Services Pty Ltd (SAVS) was established in 2002 by two registered & certified practising real estate valuers, both associate members of the Australian Property Institute, former valuers with the NSW Valuer-General, former Senior Valuers with the NSW State Valuation Office and former Valuation Managers with an international valuation firm.

Our valuation experience which commenced in the late 80's', range from assessing, determining & delivering statutory valuations for rating & taxing purposes, market valuations for statutory purposes eg: stamp duty, capital gains tax & probate, recommendations & determinations for acquisition purposes, asset valuations of property portfolio's, rental assessments/reviews/determinations, valuations for financial purposes & due-diligence.

Valuations for a variety of land uses range from low, medium & high density residential, small & large retail / commercial including mixed residential / commercial developments, small to large industrial property including industrial estates to specialised categories including major industry / projects eg: airports, waste disposal/land fill & recycling outlets, Olympic village infrastructure, brewery sites etc.

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